Their Ride was Long Overdue
Their Ride was Long Overdue
Edition Size
Marker pen, Pen
Artist Book
17.5 × 14 × 0.5 in
Collection Development, Unique Books$ 6,800.00
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Skidmore College
“There was never a time when (just) one more never mattered.”
– Brian D. Tripp from Their Ride was Long Overdue
As with many of his assembling books, BDT swings from the resonance of the micro – his constant personal inner dialogs, with the macro – his Karuk culture and history. His ball pen and marker drawings on opaque papers narrate the iconographic landscapes of Karuk territory from numerous perspectives taking us on a ride that indeed was long overdue.
This book features Brian’s frequent use of various transparent papers in order to materially reflect the complex ‘layers’ of meaning and the interplay between, and simultaneity of, past, present, and future.
Their Ride was Long Overdue book was designed by Brian Tripp and Marshall Weber and bound by Sophia Kramer of White Iris Books.