Zine Workshop for Educators (2018)

July 9, 4-6pm • July 11, 4-6pm • July 16, 4-6pm, July 18, 4-6pm • July 23, 4-6pm

140 58th Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Over the course of five workshops, teachers/teacher-librarians/zinesters came together to reflect, make art, write, and learn zine-making techniques. 

By the end of the series, teachers created their own zine and were able to bring zine-making to their classrooms.

In this workshop we :

– Created zines that facilitate reflection, art-making and writing on teaching practice.
– Provided hands-on programming to teachers on how to facilitate zine-making in their classrooms.
– Shared the history and practice of zine creation to public school classrooms across New York City.

Past Workshop schedule:

July 9th, 4-6pm, Workshop 1: Overview & History of Zines
Learn how to make a one-page zine on 8.5 by 11 paper, create and share.

July 11th, 4-6pm, Workshop 2: Design & Curation of Zines
Brief fundamentals on page layout, cover design, and simple binding techniques. Space to practice zine creation using new techniques.

July 16th, 4-6pm, Workshop 3: Group Brainstorm & Work Space
Participants will share ideas for what class could collectively make zine about or independent zines. Peer editing, create rough drafts, sketches.

July 18th, 4-6pm, Workshop 4: Zines in the Classroom 
Zines in the Classroom.

July 23rd, 4-6pm, Workshop 5: Finalize and Finish Zines 
Co-create a zine to represent a teaching theme or work independently to create their own zine. In the last workshop we will print, fold, cut and finalize zines.