Edition Size
Aquatint, Collage, Lithograph, Silkscreen, Spray paint
Mohawk vellum paper
Bolt binding
Artist Book
19.5 × 24.5 in
New York, NY
Bullet Space
Bullet Space
Collection Development, Limited Edition Artists BooksView Collectors
Amherst College
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Getty Research Institute
Harvard University, Houghton Library
Herzog August Bibiothek
International Institute of Social History (IISH)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Libraries
Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET)
National Art Library, London
National Gallery of Art Library
New York University (NYU)
Rhode Island School of Design, The RISD Museum
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SF MOMA)
Smith College Museum of Art
Stanford University
Tate Library and Archive, Tate Britain
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
The New York Public Library (NYPL)
University of Connecticut (UCONN)
Yale University, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library
Edition of 150. 29 lithograph, silkscreen, spray paint & collage posters on Mohawk vellum paper. 40 pages, with 11 double-sided, editioned, and signed by each contributing artist. 2 vellum end sheets. Bolt binding with wood covers cased in lead. 19.5×24.5.” 1993.
This project is a collection of images and texts, defining and expressing the broad and essential issue of housing on the Lower East Side, and is a statement of the underlying force of ‘art as a means of resistance’. It is both a documentation and expression of social/political issues in our neighborhood and on a larger scale to symbolize similar conflicts in other parts of the world. —Introduction to Your House Is Mine
Your House Is Mine stands alone as a veritable history of the 1980s and 90s Lower East Side activist art movement, which centered on housing, economic, healthcare, gay and lesbian, and other civil rights issues. But beyond that, it is also documentation of an impressive and provocative public art project that featured some of the most well-known artists of that movement and the American art world of that time. Each of the 29 posters was printed in an edition of approximately 300; half-formed the book and half were posted in the neighborhood. These posters catalyzed and sometimes escalated the intensity of the dialogue concerning the ongoing issues of gentrification, conservation, urban development, and social justice that form the bedrock of the Lower East Side experience. In addition to their site-specific purpose, the posters serve as cultural artifacts of another 20th-century movement in which artists combine innovative materials, design, and aesthetics with radical populist politics whose impact extended well beyond the New York art world.
Organized by Andrew Castrucci.
Edited by Nadia Coen.
Writing by ACT-UP, Miguel Algarin, Chris Burden, Yolanda Crespo, Paul Castrucci, Betzaida Concepcion, Nadia Coen, Dar, Daze, Allen Ginsberg, Eduardo Galleano, David Hammons, Pain, Adam Purple, Public Enemy, Sabrina Jones, Red Rodriguez, Sane, Sebastian Schroeder, Seth Tobocman, Walter Sipser, Anton Von Dalen, Bruce Witsiepe, Will Sales, Krystof Wodiczko, David Wojnarowicz, and many others.
29 signed posters by Paul Castrucci, Nadia Coen, Betzaida Concepcion, Eric Drooker, John Fekner, Sabrina Jones, Vincent Galgliostro/Avram Finkelstein, Day Gleeson, and Dennis Tomas, Tom McGliynn and Emily Carter, Missing Foundation, Neighborhood News, Miguel Pinero/Andrew Castrucci, Lady Pink, Lee Quinones/Eduardo Galleano, Red Rodriguez, Will Sales, Juan Sanchez, Sebastian Schrooder, Walter Sipser, Stash Two, Seth Tobocman, Marguerite Van Cooke/James Romberger, Anton Von Dalen, Bruce Witsiepe, Martin Wong, and David Wojnarowicz.
Printed at Bullet Space, The Lower East Side Workshop, Black Cat Printshop, Cooper Union, Brandywine Workshop.
Funded by Art Matters, Artist Space, Northstar Fund, Andy Warhol Foundation.
Inquiry for price.