When We Fight We Win, Sponsor Box Set
When We Fight We Win, Sponsor Box Set
Edition Size
Collage, Inkjet, Photography, Silkscreen
Box set
Box Set
Brooklyn, NY
Box Sets, Collection Development$ 6,200.00
View Collectors
University of California, Berkeley (UCB), The Bancroft Library
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Connecticut (UCONN)
This special edition sponsor box set (3 from an edition of 25) expedited the printing and distribution of this important historical artwork. Booklyn and the Art Build Workers are extremely grateful to our three sponsors: the Dodd Humanities Library at the University of Connecticut, the Bancroft Library of the University of California at Berkeley, and the Charles Young Research Library of the University of California at Los Angeles.
This Box Set archives the movement culture of the 2019 California teachers strikes and the #Red for Ed. movement. It is a substantial visual archive of the 2019 United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), and the Oakland Education Association (OEA) teacher strikes, and the cultural organizing by artists, designers, and photographers. But it is also a teaching tool. It teaches labor history and how to fight back during a time of mass inequality. An accompanying catalog provides an inventory of the box set and also features interviews with organizers to provide ample historical context and first-person testimony, (including Cecily Myart-Cruz, President of UTLA, Kampala Taiz-Rancifer, OEA union organizer and teacher, Carlos Rogel, Executive Director at SPARC, David Solnit, art organizer, Nate Gunderson, union organizer at the National Education Association, Joe Brusky, Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association union photographer and social media coordinator).
The Box Set contains material culture (picket signs, placards, patches, offsets, ephemera, and photo documentation) from the January 2019 Los Angeles teachers strike led by United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) and the February 2019 Oakland teachers strike led by the Oakland Education Association (OEA.) Both strikes were historically successful and part of the larger framework of the #RedforEd movement.
Melanie Cervantes, Jesus Barraza, Ernesto Yerena, Nisha Sembi, Aise Born, Erin Yoshi, Judy Baca, Joe Brusky, Favianna Rodriguez, Miriam Stahl, Micah Bazant, David Solnit, Mara Gerson, Jennifer White Johnson, Vy Vu, Josh MacPhee, Claudio Martinez, Paul Kjelland, Daniel Martinez, Kim Cosier, Dewey Tafoya, Nicolas Lampert, Jeanette Arellano, Carolyn Knight, Carlos Rogel, SPARC. Eliana Perez designed and fabricated the archival box.
Over the last decade, K-12 public school teachers have become the vanguard of the labor movement. They have gone on strike in red states (West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Indiana), as well as in Blue states in cities such as Denver, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Oakland. These California strikes mirrored the root causes of all of these actions: teachers striking for the schools their students deserve and organizing against the negative impact that charter schools and funding cuts have had on public education. These teachers have fought back and they have won significant victories. As Arlene Inouye notes (the Secretary of UTLA), “People have seen that we have real power, that we can win. Now’s our day.”
In January of 2019 over 30,000 teachers, staff, and members of UTLA went on strike in Los Angeles for the first time in thirty years demanding more resources for their classrooms, nurses and librarians in every school, smaller class sizes, higher wages, and a cap on charter schools. This action essentially shut down the city. LAUSD (the Los Angeles Unified School District) represents the nation’s second-largest school system with over 70,000 students.
The Oakland teachers’ strike in February 2019 followed a month later and echoed many of the same calls for education justice as their counterparts in Los Angeles. OEA called for smaller class sizes, more resources for their students in a district with 36,000 students and 87 schools, and pay increases to allow teachers and staff to live in a city that has become unaffordable to most people.
Organized by the Art Build Workers (Nicolas Lampert, Paul Kjelland, Kim Cosier, Joe Brusky, Claudio Martinez, Josie Osborne, (www.artbuildworkers.com), and Marshall Weber at Booklyn, Inc.
An instructive PDF of the catalog that accompanies this box set is available here.
A full PDF description of the Box Set is available here.
Bancroft Library of the University of California at Berkeley and the
Dodd Humanities Library at the University of Connecticut
Charles Young Research Library of University of California at Los Angeles
Photographs by Joe Brusky:
30 photographs of both art build production (showing the art being made), and of various demonstrations and events led by UTLA or OEA featuring examples of the art in action. Printed on archival HP Premium Photo Paper with archival ink, 18” x 12”, 2018-2019.
From the OEA Art Build/Teachers Strike
1. We Stand with Oakland Teachers, offset, 12” x 18”, 2019
2. Oakland Teachers Are Fighting for the Schools Our Students Deserve”, offset, 8.5”x11”, 2019
Pickets Signs: Printed on Muslin Fabric:
1. Favianna Rodriguez, “Keep Teachers in Oakland”, 23” x 42”, 2019
2. Melanie Cervantes /Jesus Barraza, “Keep Teachers in Oakland”, 23” x 42”, 2019
3. Miriam Stahl, “Fight for the Schools Students Deserve”, 23” x 42”, 2019
4. Micah Bazant, “Public Schools Are the Heart of the Community”, 23” x 42”, 2019
5. David Solnit, “Ready to Strike for the Schools that Students Deserve”, 23” x 42”, 2019
1. Miriam Stahl, “Fight for the Schools Students Deserve”, 10” x 10”, 2019
2. Melanie Cervantes /Jesus Barraza, “Keep Teachers in Oakland”, 10” x 10”, 2019
3. Micah Bazant, “Public Schools Are the Heart of the Community”, 10” x 10”, 2019
5. Favianna Rodriguez, “Keep Teachers in Oakland”, 10” x 10”, 2019
6. Mara Gerson, “Public Schools Build Democracy”, 10” x 10”, 2019
Digital Prints of Parachute Designs:
1. Micah Bazant, “Public Schools are the Heart of the Community”, 16” x 16”, 2019
2. Kim Cosier (based on an Emory Douglas image), “Education Justice Now”, 16” x 16”, 2019
3. Favianna Rodriguez, “Keep Teachers in Oakland”, 16” x 16”, 2019
4. Claudio Martinez, “Fight for the Schools Students Deserve”, 16” x 16”, 2019
5. Jeanette Arellano / Paul Kjelland, “Ready to Strike”, 16” x 16”, 2019
From the National Education Association Representative Assembly
NEA Houston RA Offsets:
1. Josh MacPhee, “Red for Ed”, 12” x 18”, 2019
2. Melanie Cervantes/Jesus Barraza, “Fight for the Schools All Students Deserve”, 12” x 18”, 2019
3. Claudio Martinez/Paul Kjelland, “Educators” Serving the Needs of All Students”, 12” x 18”, 2019
4. Ernesto Yerena, “Teachers We Work for the People”, 12” x 18”, 2019
5. Nisha Sethi, “Build Schools Not Walls”, 12” x 18”, 2019
6. Jennifer White Johnson /Vy Vu, “Our Democracy, Our Responsibility, Our Time”, 12” x 18”, 2019
7. Favianna Rodriguez, “Education Justice is Racial Justice”, 12” x 18”, 2019
8. Art Build Workers print out description, 8.5”x11”, 2019