

Edition Size



Calligraphy, Collage, Dot matrix, Etching, Frottage, Handmade paper, Ink, Inkjet, Letterpress, Lithograph, Pencil, Pulp painting, Silkscreen, Stamping, Stencil, Watercolor


Coptic, Post, Taped


Artist Book




Artichoke Yink Press


Artnoose, SailorBoy Press

$ 1,000.00


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Brooklyn Museum of Art

Lafayette College

Long Island University (LIU)

Santa Fe University of Art and Design

Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)

Scripps College, Denison Library

Swarthmore College

Temple University

University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

University of Central Florida (UCF)

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Special Collections

Yale University, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library

A question, the sex-determining chromosome, a point of confluence or separation depicted, a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. Started as a collection of examples of the letterform Y; the publisher made a dos-a-dos book and asked anyone to make a letter Y inside the book. When that book was filled with Ys, a second book began. When both books were filled, an editioned version began.

The editioned book reprinted some choice selections from the original two books, plus included new “Y” material. The Y on the cover was drawn by Steve Ferlauto; letterpress printed By Jeff Morin of the sailorBoy Press. Artist and papermaker Nicole Selmer editioned Y watermark paper, and pulp-painted Y paper for the end sheets. Artnoose printed the Braille Ys in edition. Dylan Graham created a “Yipsylbet” of 26 Y rubberstamps that festoon the end sheets and back covers. Eliana Perez illuminated by hand with gold the Y watermark sheets with images of medieval capitals. The books were coptically, tapes, and post-bound at Booklyn by Eliana Perez, Jamie Munkatchy, Cat Glennon, Jenifer Kelly-DeWitt, and the publisher. Robert The jigsaw cut the final edition into three books.

Printing process and mark-making techniques within this book: color and b/w electrostatic reproduction, lithography, silkscreen, letterpress, stencil cutaways, frottage, collage, aspiration, dot matrix, pulp painting, hot foil stamp, rubberstamp, calligraphy, inkjet, etching, typewriter, watercolor, pencil, ink, etc.

A partial list of participants: Walter Hamady, George Cramer, Jim Escalante, Bill Weege, Mark Wagner, Kurt Allerslev, Dylan Graham, Marshall Weber, Calvin Custen, Bill Bunce, Jeff Morin, Caren Heft, Art Noose, Nicole Selmer, Christine Hill, David Last, Eliana Perez, Jamie Munkatchy, Cat Glennon, Laura Smith, Jenifer Kelly-DeWitt, Bridget Burke, Peter Spangnuolo, Alison Brashaw, Deirdre Lawerence, Constance Woo, Patrick Flynn, David McClimans, Michael Duffy, Lewis Koch, Shon Schooler, Laure Parsons, Karthik Thyagarajan, Bridget Elmer, Brent Kirkpatrick, Alison Daniels, Steve Ferlauto, Steve Clay, Buzz Specter, Barbara Moore, Amy Mees, Jon Lill, David Lundahl, Rolf Lund, Jane LeCroy, Dorian LeCroy, Zon Wakest, Robert The, Rigo 23, Aaron Noble, Ossuri Kormakur, Uwe Warnke, Uta Shenieder, Ulrike Stoltz, Ruth Lingen, Emily Larned, Scott Teplin, Bobby Rainwater, Virgina Bartow, Amanda Park-Taylor, C.K. Wilde, and many more.


3 interlocking book shapes; various print types (color & b/w electrostatic reproduction, lithography, silkscreen, letterpress, stencil cutaway, frottage, collage, dot matrix, pulp painting, hot foil stamp, rubber stamp, calligraphy, inkjet, etching, typewriter, watercolor, pencil, ink) on handmade & purchased paper, 27 cm, 58p, ill. cover, coptic, tape & post bound. Edition of 50 with 10 APs. Began in 1994, completed in 2008.