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University of California, Berkeley (UCB), The Bancroft Library

The Booklyn Bridge is a celebration of 21 years of Booklyn and a fundraiser so Booklyn can get through year 22. The book is an amazing, over twenty-foot-long, accordion fold collage of artwork donated by a diverse and fluid group of 21 Booklyn artists from across Booklyn’s history. The book is a dream team of activist artists who work in print and book media. Each variant book in the edition is designed and assembled by various Booklyn staff and board members; editions #s 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were designed and fabricated by Booklyn Directing Curator Marshall Weber. The book spotlights the global activist/artist network that Booklyn has built over the past two decades, with exuberant and critical artworks that especially evoke the turbulence of the past year while imagining (and imaging) a bridge into a decolonized future. While following the above-described theme each book in the edition will be unique with different artists and artworks switched out over the course of the edition’s creation.

Booklyn is especially grateful to all the artists who have generously donated the fruit of their labors to this project in an expression of solidarity with Booklyn’s ongoing mission to bring activists, artists, educators, librarians, and social justice organizers together to build a bridge into more equitable and just future. The Booklyn Bridge #5 takes a different looser more exuberant material approach to the project using dramatic variations in page size and more intricate collage work to integrate and spotlight the cavalcade of powerful and incandescent artwork assembled in this fabulous project.

Edition Collections:

#1 has been acquired by the Dodd Humanities Library of the University of Connecticut at Storrs.
#2 has been acquired by the Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
#3 is in the Bertrand Library at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA.
#4 resides in the Buch and Schrift Museum of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Leipzig, Germany.
#5 now lives in the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley
#6 resides at the University of Wisconsin’s Kohler Art Library
#7 moved to Wesleyan University

#8 is held in the collection of Saint Olaf College

#9 lives at DePaul University, Chicago, IL