Sari-Sari Storybooks: Melo the Umang-Boy

Sari-Sari Storybooks: Melo the Umang-Boy


10 × 8 in

Melo the Umang-Boy, 2016, Christina Newhard & Alyssa Sarmiento-Co, published by Sari-Sari Storybooks. 28 pages, 8in x 10in, softcover.

Melo is a painfully shy little boy living with his grandmother and uncle. One day he visits a magical, busy city on the bottom of the ocean filled with talking sea creatures. Disaster strikes the city, and he must overcome his shyness to help the sea creatures rebuild.

Si Melo am uyud a masnesneken a metdeh a mahakay a machitda di apu na a vakes kani maran na. Akma su umang, si Melo am makekeyen ava a muhbet di vahay na. Asa ka araw am nangay a mayvidividi siya di makakniknin kanu marevel a ciudad di irahem nu taaw, a napnu nu maviay a umaumayam kanu muhamuha du taaw. Marahet u kawan du ciudad sa mayanung dana u kaari na diya u  kasnesneken na tapyan kasidungan na sira u maviay a umaumayam kanu muhamuha du taaw a mapapirwa su vahavahay da sira.

Lang: English & Ivatan

Sari-Sari Storybooks creates and publishes children’s books in the diverse languages of the Philippines. We love Filipino stories, and hope you will too.