Occuprint Sponsor Portfolio
Occuprint Sponsor Portfolio
Edition Size
Offset print, Silkscreen, Spray paint
Loose pages
18 × 12 in
Brooklyn, NY
Print PortfoliosView Collectors
Bates College Museum of Art
Bucknell University
Carleton College
Emory University
Harvard University, Fine Arts Library
New York University (NYU)
Scripps College, Denison Library
Stanford University
Sterling & Francine Clark Art Institute
Swarthmore College
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
University of California, Irvine (UCI)
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Kansas, Spencer Museum of Art
Yale University, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library
The silkscreen portfolio has thirty-one 12” x 18” hand silk-screened artists’ prints on French paper in an archival silk-screened presentation folder. This project was curated by BOOKLYN’s Marshall Weber, Occuprint organizer Jesse Goldstein, and various Occuprint editorial committee members including Molly Fair, Josh MacPhee, and John Boy.
“Occuprint emerged when The Occupied Wall Street Journal asked us to guest curate an issue dedicated to the poster art of the global Occupy movement. The Occuprint website is meant to connect people with this work and provide a base of support for print-related media within the #Occupy movement.
Occuprint showcases posters from the worldwide Occupy movement, all of which are part of the creative commons, and available to be downloaded for noncommercial use, though we ask that artists be given attribution for their work. Our Print Lab is in collaboration with the Occupy Wall Street Screen Printing Guild. The OWS Screen Printing Guild is an official working group within the OWS General Assembly. It is an open working group that regularly incorporates new members into its process and can be contacted at owsscreenguild(at)gmail(dot)com.
We look forward to creating and distributing more printed matter by supporting the development of screen-printing labs at other locations worldwide, and by printing more of the wonderful posters that we are receiving.” —Occuprint
Here are two blog articles about Occuprint:
“Ink | Political Art for a Contentious Time,” by Sarah Kirk Handley, September 14th, 2012
“The Art of Occupy,” by Carole Holden, August 30, 2013
Pre-publication sponsors—
1. Anonymous, UK
2. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA
3. Emory University, Atlanta, GA
4. New York University, New York, NY
5. Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, MA
6. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA
7. University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA
8. University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
9. Yale University, New Haven, CT
10. Anonymous, USA
11. Anonymous, USA
12. Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA
13. Smith College Museum of Art, North Hampton, MA
14. Claremont Colleges Library, Claremont, CA
15. Anonymous, USA
16. Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston, ME
17. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
18. Anonymous, USA
19. Spencer Art Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
20. Carleton College, Northfield, MN
21. Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Artists –
Tip of the Iceberg Dave Loewenstein Lawrence, Kansas http://www.davidloewenstein.com
America is Broken John Langdon Philadelphia, PA www.johnlangdon.net
Occupy Earth Marx Aviano Kansas City, MO http://www.GodBlessGenerica.com
Fight Back World Wide Colectivo Cordyceps Mexico City, Mexico http://www.justseeds.org
We the 99 Percent Anthony Nomorosa Washington, D.C. http://anthonynomorosa.com
Job Creators Brad Kayal San Fran, CA http://www.flickr.com/photos/withayou/
Occupy Everything Colin Smith San Fran, CA http://distortedperspective.com
Occupy Homes Joe Thompson Houston, TX http://www.joethompson.us
What the Market will Bear Roger Peet Portland, OR http://toosphexy.com/
Occupy Oakland Rich Black
Keep Calm and Cameras On Mark Miller Los Angeles, CA http://www.gonzoville.com
Let’s Get Medieval Lindsay Starbuck London, England http://andsomeplyers.blogspot.com/
The World vs. the One Percent Favianna Rodriguez Oakland, CA http://www.favianna.com
Grassroots Democracy Fahmi Reza Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.facebook.com/occupydataran
Occupy Baltimore Keith Lowe Baltimore, Maryland http://www.cargocollective.com/keithlowe
General Strike Match Molly Crabapple http://www.mollycrabapple.com
When in Riot Gear John Emerson Brooklyn, NY http://backspace.com
#Occupy Jakarta: Serakah Itu Salah Nobodycorp.Internationale Unlimited Indonesia http://nobodycorp.wordpress.com
The Birth of Occupy Ronnie Goodman San Francisco, CA
Dollar Tower Jeanne Verdoux New York, NY http://www.jeanneverdoux.com
Day and Night Santana (Little Hamilton Collective Press) Nashville, TN http://www.anticorporatemusic.com/lhcmain.html
Money Talks Too Much Josh MacPhee Brooklyn, NY http://justseeds.org
Cardinal Points Sébastien Marchal Paris, France
Corporate Cookie Jar? Art Hazelwood & Josh MacPhee Brooklyn, NY http://justseeds.org
Caos Dream Nguyen Minh Thanh & Miriam Klein Stahl and Gabby Miller Hanoi, Vietnam http://www.miriamkleinstahl.com
Rise Up Lmnopi. Brooklyn, NY http://lmnopi.blogspot.com
One Square Cactus London, UK
Occupy Together (?)
Lenape Occupied John Emerson Brooklyn, NY http://backspace.com
The Beginning is Near Alexandra Clotfelter Savannah, GA http://www.ladyfawn.com
Printers –
Bushwick Print Lab
Little Hamilton Collective Press
Out of Line Press
Flight 84
Art Hazelwood
Pajaro Editions
Taller Tupac Amaru