Hybrid Land collection, artists books & the environment
Hybrid Land collection, artists books & the environment
Edition Size
Gouache, Ink, Lithograph, Monoprint, Pencil, Wood block
Box set
Box Set
20.5 × 14.25 × 1.75 in
Filter Press
Box Sets, Collection Development$ 8,400.00
View Collectors
University of Southern California (USC)
This collection of artist books and prints explores ecology and environmental issues on topics related to industrialized agriculture, GMO’s, biodiversity/ monoculture, and recycling/consumer waste. e integrated approach to design in the artist books are reacted in the use of materials, print techniques, and content. The work is published in limited edition or as one-of-a-kind books, designed, printed, and bound by hand by the artist, Sara Parkel.
The artist books and prints in this collection include a variety of book structures (accordion, IP book, Coptic, one-of-a-kind), bindings (stab binding, exposed spine, folded page, nonadhesive, Ethiopian-style Coptic, tape binding), printmaking techniques and mediums (letterpress, wood type, and metal type, photopolymer plates, relief printing, woodcut, linoleum cut, pressure printing, collagraph, silkscreen, lithography, photography, as well as handmade paper, and weaving). Many of the materials used are sourced from recycled or sustainable products including bamboo, recycled papers, reclaimed material, and plastics.
As a collection, it is intended as a ready-made exhibition, including limited edition books, sculptural works, and an installation piece. Supplemental quotes and supporting information on sustainability and environmental issues contextualize the theme of ecology, transforming the personal experience of viewing an artist book into a public expression of the book as art. A selection of materials used in the production and design process (woodblock, layout sketches, and pre-binding materials and prints) are included as additional resource material showing the various print and medium methods, and creation process.
We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use with love and respect.
Aldo Leopold, Madison, WI 1948
This excerpt (from the preface to Sand County Almanac, Oxford University Press, 1949) by Aldo Leopold, (conservationist, environmentalist, ecologist, forester) expresses a humanist approach to nature. e quote was intrinsic to the making of each piece, unifying a body of work through the perspective of environmental ethics. Whether it is Hybrid Land, exploring genetically modi ed seeds and the loss of a cultural agricultural knowledge; Waste, which explores consumerism and waste with food packaging; or Heirloom, as a visual and tactile meditation on heirloom seeds and the importance of maintaining a diversified food system, each work is visually unique.
The body of work in this collection shows a creative and inspiring approach to environmental issues through the lens of the artist book, opening the door to dialog about art and the environment.
All of the work in this box set is handmade by Sara Parkel, (design, artwork, printing, and binding). She publishes under the imprint, Filter Press.
Rock. Vine. Wood
Abaca Paper
Hybrid Land
Sap Chet the Sky
Zero Garden
Box 1
Waste 1/1
Heirloom 1/1
Baggage 1/1
Hybrid Land, Edition of 40
Sap Chect, Edition of 35, O.P.
Sprout, multiples
Zero Garden, multiples
Growth, 1/3 O.P.
3 photographs
2 acaba sheets with embedded seeds
Box 2
Zero Garden, mock-up book, print, full
Sprout, original ink drawings, press, print, full
Hybrid Land, negative polymer sample, 3 woodblocks, press mylar for press lockup, pressure print plate, and print samples