Collective Roadmap
Collective Roadmap
Edition Size
6 × 4.5 in
New York, NY
Calipso Press, Casa en Blanco
Collection Development, Limited Edition Artists Books$ 300.00
4 in stock
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Bard College
Cornell University
George Mason University (GMU)
Harvard University, Fine Arts Library
Princeton University
University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Art Library
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC)
University of Minnesota
Walker Art Center
Wesleyan University, Olin Library
Whitney Museum of American Art
Collective Roadmap is a publication that brings together 15 artists and collectives from around the world who were inspired by the Chilean Constitutional Convention. Original works from Australia, Iran, Ukraine, Serbia, Spain, Bolivia, Colombia, the United States, and Chile are collected in an artist’s book format addressing topics from memory, political social activism, the environment, native peoples, travel, territories, and autobiography, all in multiple formats and techniques, with graphics, illustrations, photographs, interviews, testimonies, letters, audio messages printed with risograph by Calipso Press.
This project, curated by artist María Verónica San Martín and art historian Ignacio Szmulewicz, addresses the questions ‘What does it mean to live together? How do we inhabit the future?’ The 15 artists and collectives carried out collaborative processes, inviting specialists, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and strangers, to take the pulse of the present from the enormous possibility of imagining a different future.
Participating artists and groups are: Jessica Lynne (USA), Matías Celedón (Chile), Gruia Bădescu (Romania), Martín La Roche (Chile/ND), Alina Tenser (Ukraine/USA), A Ediciones, Eloísa Paz Prada (Bolivia ), Kurs Collective (Serbia), Eliana Perez (Colombia/USA), Lluís Alexandre Casanovas Blanco and David Cárdenas Lorenzo (Spain), Paula Baeza Pailamilla (Chile), Roya Amigh (Iran / USA), Estado Flotante (Chile), Camila Galaz (Australia), Teobaldo Lagos Preller (Chile / Germany), Carola Josefa (Chile).