Cakewalking in Wales with Colourmaster Photomontage Intrusions
Cakewalking in Wales with Colourmaster Photomontage Intrusions
Edition Size
Collage, Offset print
Artist Book
9.5 × 7.25 × 0.75 in
Collection Development, Unique Books$ 3,400.00
View Collectors
The University of the Witwatersrand, Wits Art Museum (WAM), Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts
Repurposed book
Collage dessert images on landscapes of Wales
David Ferry was born in Blackpool UK and Studied at the Blackpool College of Technology, and the Camberwell and Slade Schools of Art in London. He was Head of Printmaking at the Cardiff School of Art, University of Wales, and previously was Former Associate Professor of Fine Art Media at the Long Island University, New York, USA.
Recent solo exhibitions have been held in Berlin, Brighton, London, New York, Seoul, and Poznan. He has represented the UK in many international printmaking exhibitions including the Krakow and Tallinn Triennials and the Senefelder Stiftung.
David Ferry was awarded a Pollock/Krasner Award in New York in 2002 and won the Bronze Medal at the First International Book Arts Competition in Seoul in 2004. His work can be found in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Art Museum of Estonia, and the Scottish Museum of Modern Art, as well as many corporate and university collections.
David Ferry was awarded a Fellowship of The Royal Society of Arts for his contribution to the foundation of the Curwen Print Study Centre in Cambridge where he became its first Artistic Director in 2003. In 2010 he was made Professor of Printmaking at the Cardiff School of Art and Design. His Artists Book ‘A History of England in Black and White‘ was purchased by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and he held a solo exhibition of large format prints at the Woodfinch/Simon Finch Rare Books Gallery in Mayfair, London.