Booklyn Zine and Indie Publication Collection
Booklyn Zine and Indie Publication Collection
Edition Size
Collage, Digital print, Letterpress, Offset print, Photo, Risograph, Xerox
Hand-sewn, Pamphlet, Stapled
Box Set
Brooklyn, NY
Banker Box
$ 1,500.00
View Collectors
Archive Artist Publications
Items: 168
Dates: 1989 – 2019
Enclosures: 2 banker boxes
This is an eclectic and eccentric collection of zines and independent press publications from around the United States. There is a wide variety of genres ranging from: classic old and new school style zines; political and religious tracts; museum, gallery, and artist publications; punk music newspapers; academic pamphlets, and some other real rare oddities. There’s a definite tilt to the far left and some of the anarchist and early environmentalist zines are outstanding finds. (Exceptions to this leftward drift include some exemplary Chick Trax as well as some New York City Police Department publications.)
This would be the perfect seed collection for any library just starting to jump into zine land, and a perfect addition to any art, book arts, graphic design, communications, media, or publishing studies programs.
A complete inventory for the archive is available on request. We can reduce price for collection redundancy within reason.
Anarchism, Cindy Milstein, Institute for Anarchist Studies
Angola 3, Amnesty International
Apiary, New Sanctuary Movement
Arts of the Working Class
Cai Guo-Qiang: Traveler | Unlucky Year
Can’t Stop Kaos Autonomous Resistance 2010, Autonomous Resistance
Cats Hate Cops, New York Year Zero
Christianity Made Clear, #1: The Truth of the Epic Battle Between Science and God, True Bible Church
Cometbus, Aaron Cometbus
Communiqué From an Ex-Cop, Christopher Jordan Dorner
Crack the Sidewalk, Sascha Scatter
Dear Occupiers, a letter from anarchists, A New World In Our Hearts
El Gallo Pinto, Arrozconmango
Everyday Sunshine Harrel Fletcher, City Graphics
Gangsters, Jim Reed
Gender Jamie Heckert, Institute for Anarchist Studies
Homage or Indignity?, Keg de Souza
How To Fire Your Boss – A Worker’s Guide To Direct Action, Boss Busters
Impending Doom, Michael Pisano
K-9 in Girl Gang, Fly
Late Era Clash, Mike Taylor, Pegacorn Press
Made in Bookland, Constance Woo
Magnified Section, Xexoxial Editions
Maximum Rock n’ Roll
Mineshaft, Grass Roots Press
No Place For a Vacation, Andre Okun
Perfect Waste of Time
Perils of Freedom: Afghanistan, Stephen Dupont, The New York Public Library
Processed World
Projector, Chris Bell
PUNK, Punk Magazine, Inc.
Re-Marks, Dutes Miller, House of Cream Publication
Red Wedge and Black Wedge Beat the Whites, Josh MacPhee
Reflections on Seattle Direct Action Network, World War 3 Illustrated
Resources, Sandy Relief, Occuprint
San Francisco Underground Bands: 1995 Calendar
Scam: The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Erica Lyle
Slug & Lettuce
Squatter Comics, Shadow Press
Sticky Family, Friends, Peace and Sanctuary
Street Art Workers
Superstorm Sandy & NYC’s Dark Recovery, Research and Destroy
The 2015 Baltimore Uprising: A Teen Epistolary, New York Year Zero
The Art of Destruction, Krista Franklin
The Art of Dismantling, Radix Media
The Primal Scream Collection, Edwin Vasquez
Tour de Santa Cruz, Artnoose
Tree Life Zine, Earth First Humboldt
Truth, Beauty, Life and Death Through Pirate Radio, Orca Books, Inc.
Underground Productions
Unintentional Portrait Series, Sto Len
Urban Guerrilla Zine
Weiwei-isms Ai Weiwei, Princeton University Press
Welcome to Fear City NYPD Officers’ Union
What is 21st Century Liberation, Visual Aids
What is the Role of Women?, Charmaine Wheatley