Zines & Pokémon Camp!

Know a creative kid who loves Pokémon? This school break camp is for them!

During this 2-day camp, we’ll create our own “pocket monster” trading cards, Pokémon “fanzines”, and explore the creative concept of monsters. A creative DIY camp experience connecting our love of zines with our love for Pokémon! 

Ages: 6-11 (grades 2-5)
Location: Old Stone House of Brooklyn
Dates: October 3 & 4, 2024, 9am-3pm

Learn more through the link below.

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Join Booklyn Zine Club and enjoy a future of great zines

Summer is a great time for zine reading, and a good time to sign up for Booklyn Zine Club as well: we’re currently offering 10% off annual memberships. Between now and August 25th, join the club at a discount and get some extras too. The first five sign-ups get a copy of Streetopia. The next five get a Booklyn tote bag. Everyone who signs up gets an exclusive mini-zine.

Here’s how Booklyn Zine Club works:

Choose the membership that’s right for you. We’ll hand-select the zines that will surprise and delight, along with a respectable amount of bonuses, and mail them to you every quarter.

Check out our page on the Booklyn Zine Club for more info, or if you’re ready, join here.

Are you an institution? We recommend discussing Booklyn Zine Club directly with us. Send us an email at [email protected]!

Don’t hang up! Booklyn Calling is back.

Puerto Rican textile artist Gloribel Delgado Esquilín talks with Monica & Marshall about her work as a journalist, the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, and how a found bag of cloth ignited a journey of sewing dolls and creating soft books. The three talk about the political nature of her work, and Gloribel shares the importance of making work that is vulnerable and physically soft (to offset hard topics), while also needing to feel free in her creation, as a reaction to living in a colonized space.

Subscribe and listen on Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. You can also play all episodes right on our website here.

Gloribel Delgado Esquilín is a textile artist, craftswoman, teacher, and writer from San Juan, Puerto Rico. She worked for more than 20 years as a journalist, creating community newspapers, literary magazines, community radio programs, theater, and art. Her career took a surprising turn after finding some cloth bags on the city streets, inspiring her to create dolls with stories. From that meeting, she returned to her passion for sewing, creating over 400 dolls. In 2014, she moved to Lima, Peru, to expand her knowledge of textile art and joined the collective of textile artists, “La Hermandad de la Costura”.  In 2018, she visited Paris, where she learned to create pieces in natural felt. In 2019, she returned to Peru and exhibited her first textile book “La Casa Inundada”. 

Delgado Esquilín’s identity as an ecofeminist is a cornerstone of her work. She has trained as an agroecological promoter at the Puerto Rican farm school El Josco Bravo, and collaborated to spearhead the Project 4645 initiative, a poignant tribute to the memory of thousands of victims in Puerto Rico following the devastating Hurricane María. Currently, Delgado Esquilín is completing graduate studies in narration. She is working on her first book of chronicles and creates textile books with an anti-racist and decolonial vision of her days in Puerto Rico.

Booklyn Calling is made possible in part by funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the NY City Council.

June 22: Brooklyn Zine-In at BPL

Join us in partnership with Brooklyn Public Library for a Brooklyn Zine-In where you will learn how to make your own zine, pick up free copies of zines and limited edition stickers, view special zine-related materials from the Center for Brooklyn History’s collection, and contribute to the Brooklyn Zine-In Community Zine, a collection of stories from BPL staff and patrons.

All zine-making materials will be provided, but you are welcome to bring any of your own images, stickers, stamps, markers, or other materials that you’d like to use.

Registration is encouraged, but not required.

Sat, Jun 22, 2024

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Location: Center for Brooklyn History

New “DIY Development” Workshop June 26

Are you a practicing zine-maker or “zinester”? If so, this workshop is for you.

This presentation and workshop will help you expand your zine-making practice, deepen the sustainability of your self-publishing, and introduce you to an audience that can provide substantial professional and financial resources for your entire creative practice.

Date & time
Wednesday, June 26 · 6:30 – 8:30pm EDT

Interference Archive314 7th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215

June 25: Zine-making for Gender-Expansive Families

Join us on June 25 at Brooklyn Community Pride Center for a free after-school zine-making activity for gender-expansive families! If your family has been touched by transness or gender-expansivity in any way, then this workshop is for you! 

Read more about this workshop here and RSVP in the link below.

The mini-flag book

This is an all-ages workshop, recommended for adults of any age, and children ages 6-12 who are accompanied by an adult. All materials will be provided. No experience is necessary, although an interest in drawing, writing, or crafting helps!

For questions or more information email Monica Johnson at [email protected].

This program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the NY City Council.

June 8: Pride Jam 🏳️‍🌈

We believe that bookmaking is for the people, and this includes our LGBTQ+ family. Join us in making zines that celebrate, express, and love our rainbow pride!

No sign-ups, no age limits, no cost, no experience needed: just come over and we’ll get you started with a zine.

Zine Jam is for the people!

We believe that bookmaking is for the people. That’s why Zine Jam is a free zine-making workshop hosted by Booklyn, Inc. in public parks. No sign-ups, no age limits, no cost, no experience needed: just come over and we’ll get you started with a zine.

Come find us every Saturday in May in either Sunset Park or Maria Hernandez Park. Look for the red mobile bike and the ‘Make Zines’ banner. You’ll find Booklyn educators Jan Descartes, Mars Kruchinskaya, Sarah Lopez, and Mylo Mendez who will invite you to create a zine and enjoy the outdoors for a while. 

Exact park locations can be found within the links below. Come jam with us at these times:

Saturday, May 4, 1-4pm at Sunset Park

Saturday, May 11, 1-4pm at Sunset Park

Saturday, May 18, 1-4pm at Maria Hernandez Park

Saturday, May 25, 1-4pm at Maria Hernandez Park

Photos by Manuel Molina Martagon.

This program was made possible in part by funding from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in collaboration with the New York City Council.

Booklyn’s programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Mixteca x Booklyn, Inc. : New Workshops!

Join us for a fun, crafty, and educational activity—Bookmaking for Language Learning! 

On six dates in May & June from 10am-12pm, María Verónica San Martín of Booklyn, Inc. will offer workshops in bookmaking that will support English language learning. Participants will learn to make several handmade book forms focusing on vocabulary development and basic grammar. No experience is necessary. All materials will be provided. RSVP is necessary as class size is limited. 

Please register in this link. https://bit.ly/43UzDRv

You can also call 929-430-1450 or email [email protected] to register

RSVP here

245 23rd Street
2nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11215

Monday, May 6, 10am-12pm
Monday, May 13, 10am-12pm
Monday, May 20, 10am-12pm
Tuesday, May 28 10am-12pm
Tuesday, June 4, 10am-12pm
Tuesday, June 11, 10am-12pm

Photo by Manuel Molina Martagon.

This program is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the NY City Council.

Encuadernación para aprender Idiomas

María Verónica San Martín de Booklyn, Inc. ofrecerá tres talleres divertidos y educativos sobre creación de libros para apoyar el aprendizaje del inglés. Aprenderá a hacer varios libros centrados en el desarrollo del vocabulario y la gramática básica. No se requiere experiencia previa y se proporcionarán todos los materiales.

Los talleres se llevarán a cabo los lunes 6, 13 y 20 de mayo, de 10AM a 12PM.

¡Inscríbase ahora! Cupos limitados. RSVP

New Bookbinding Workshop on May 14!

Bookbinding 101 is a hands-on bookbinding workshop for adults & teens brought to you by Booklyn, Inc., and hosted at Interference Archive in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. Learn two handy and simplistically beautiful binding techniques: the Pamphlet Stitch & Japanese Stab-binding.

We’ll cover some history of both techniques, explore zines and artists’ books with unique bindings, and introduce you to a range of bookbinding tools. Then we will make our own books! You can bring your own paper to bind or use our selection of various paper types to make a journal, sketchbook, or blank book. Two hours will be dedicated to learning and instruction. 30 minutes will be reserved for studio time so you can finish your projects.

All materials and tools will be provided. No previous bookbinding experience is necessary, but an interest in writing, drawing, or crafting will go a long way. We strongly believe that bookmaking is for everyone interested in making them.

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

InstructorMaría Verónica San Martín (she/her) is a multidisciplinary Latin-American artist who has lived in New York since 2010. She has been a studio artist at the Whitney Museum, ISP (NYC), a scholar at the Center for Book Arts (NYC), and participated in the Art OMI Residency (Ghent, NY). She has also been awarded two NYFA grants and three Chilean grants. San Martín has taught at the Center for Book Arts (NYC), Penland School of Craft (NC), Universidad de Chile, and Universidad Catolica de Chile and has conducted workshops for Vera List Center, The New School, and Weeksville Heritage Center. She is a member of the Board of Directors for Booklyn, as well as participating as an artist and contributing to their education program. She has been performing and lecturing her Moving Memorial and Dignidad series at international museums, galleries, public libraries, universities, and schools since 2016. San Martín has also exhibited nationally and internationally including at The Immigrant Artist Biennial (New York) Her work is in more than 60 collections including those of the Centre Pompidou (Paris), Metropolitan Museum (NYC), and The Walker Art Center (Minneapolis).

Bookbinding 101 is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the NY City Council.