Bulletin #11: School’s In (4-evah!)
Educators are always on the front lines of the ongoing struggle for social change. Thank you, to all the librarians, curators, and teachers who have supported our artists and done such an incredible job serving their own communities throughout the challenges of the pandemic. We see you for all that you do, and we are humbled and honored to serve your academic community.
Tags: afghanistan, black american history, climate change, COVID, gender justice, socialist history, u.s. civil warBulletin #8: Black (Art) History Month
This month Booklyn joins the national celebration of the immense contributions of Black Americans to our culture. To this end, we’ve added a new subject section in our catalog: Black History / Black Futures.
Tags: black art, clarence robbs, david driskell, david hammonsBulletin #7: Incandescent Gratitude
Good morning, We wish you a courageous, healthy, and productive New Year. We thank you sincerely for the financial and moral support that Booklyn needed to get through a rough year. This solidarity made it possible for us to be here today, and to continue to bring you the work you want in your institutions. […]
Tags: education, immigrant rights, Indigenous Lives, Occupy Wall Street, protest movements, unionsModels for Creative Resistance
First, I want to thank all the curators, collectors, librarians, and teachers who have been supporting Booklyn through these difficult and complicated times. We are so grateful for your attention to our bulletins and the support these dispatches have inspired; it’s not hyperbole to say that this has been a lifeline for us. I can’t […]
Introducing the Booklyn Bulletin
Hi. Many of you know me well, but for those who don’t, I’m Marshall Weber—artist, poet, and Booklyn’s Directing Curator. First, I want you to know that all of us at Booklyn hope that you are well and safe during this pandemic. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you […]