Bulletin #9: Celebrating Candace Hicks

An extremely prolific artist from Nacogdoches, TX, Hicks works in textiles, embroidery, printmaking, and bookmaking. Her book editions collect coincidental data, joining seemingly insignificant details from different media and experiences to create alternate worlds where they exist and function together. The books as art objects become these universes, holding small worlds where connections relate or obfuscate. Her work is a celebration of possibilities and connections, world-building and world-opening.

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Bulletin #5: Textiles, Feminism, & Resistance

Good morning, Textiles took center stage this spring as DIY mask makers—myself included—filled labor and supply gaps our governments failed to do. This widespread mutual aid project that started as something essential to community survival inadvertently became a mass political statement. A political movement, in fact.  And that got me thinking. Within sewing and fabrics is a […]

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Booklyn Bulletin #2

Hello,  My name is Jan Descartes, and I’ve been with Booklyn for 1½ years. My curatorial specialties are comics, zines, and social justice titles. I am a comic artist, writer and co-curator of Our Comics, Ourselves, a traveling comics exhibition focused on identity and representation. For this Booklyn Bulletin, I am presenting Booklyn’s zine collections.  Some are “traditional” DIY-style […]

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