Born 1972, Chris Stain grew up in Baltimore, MD, later writing Graffiti in the mid-1980’s. Through printmaking in high school, he adapted stenciling techniques, which later led to his work in street stencils and urban contemporary art. Compared at times to the American Social Realist movement of the 1930s and ’40s, Chris’s work echoes his upbringing and the people who helped shape his mental and physical landscape.
In Collection:
Florida Atlantic University (FAU), The Jaffe Book Arts Collection
War is TraumaHarvard University, Fine Arts Library
ResourcedIndiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
War is TraumaRhode Island School of Design, The RISD Museum
ResourcedUniversity of California, Berkeley (UCB), The Bancroft Library
ResourcedUniversity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library